
Welcome to, a site devoted to promoting civility between cell phone users and the people around them.

"New technologies require new rules, and even a new set of manners."

So said an editorial in a recent New York Times.

Make no mistake about it - a new set of manners is exactly what's needed. Usually well-behaved people often forget their manners when they're around cell phones, whether they're using them or someone else is. The common is frequently left out of common sense when it comes to mobile technology.

The result: the Cell Wars - "a social upheaval occurring in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century resulting from the introduction of the cell phone without an accompanying set of manners." You'll find stories - funny and serious - about the Cell Wars in our News section.

Cell phones are being banned, regulated, legislated, and even jammed in more and more places. We need to mind our manners and use our cell phones responsibly NOW before we find ourselves outside in the cold sneaking a cell phone call the way smokers - to whom rude cell phone users have been compared - are now required to sneak a cigarette. It's not a trivial matter.

We're calling for a truce in the Cell Wars. And we're inviting you to join us - in the Forum - in a meaningful, well-mannered discussion about Cell Manners. Have you stopped to consider that your morning cell phone conversation might be interfering with much needed sleep by a fellow passenger on the bus? Read the letter from a tired commuter in the Forum. Just how much quiet can people reasonably expect in a public place? When is it OK, if ever, to have the ringer on your cell phone turned on? Is it possible to ask somebody to mind his/her manners without an unpleasant incident? How do you do it? Do you have any questions? Ask our Cell Phone Specialist.

We at believe that cell phones are wonderful. (Look in our News sections Great Ways to Use Your Cell Phone and Saved by the Cell for some examples.)

Help us create a 21st century manifesto of manners for mobile technology. Let's turn down not only the noise, but also the stress levels of daily living and protect our ability to use cell phones responsibly.

Thank you for being a courteous cell phone user.

News - News About Cell Use And Abuse
Choose from: Tales from the Cell Wars - Saved by the Cell - People are Saying - Researchers Have Found... - New Ways to Use Your Cell Phone

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